Thank you so much for the great professional service from Law Office of Elva Wang PLLC. Dr. Wang has very great knowledge and experience on handling my NIW application case. She had a very thoughtful plan designed for my background and the strategy of preparing my petition letter was wonderful. No matter when I had a question, she was always there for helping me out. When we knew that we have to do the RFE, she was so patient to comfort me and showed me her in-depth and critical thinking to answer the questions. She told me that every case is unique and she takes sufficient time and extended effort during each single case preparation. Finally, our case was approved by the USCIS. Without Dr. Wang's support, we will never get this result. Therefore, I highly recommend you to contact Dr. Wang for supporting your applications.
---- Civil engineer at a company in Indiana, NIW approved
My experience working with Elva Wang law office is pretty good. Elva is professional and responsible. She always replies email very efficiently and follows the proposed timeline well. I am happy with the application materials prepared by Elva and her team without providing a draft of research summary. My case got approved recently. I have already recommended her to a few friends who need service in immigration.
---- Chemist at a company in California, NIW approved
---- Signal processing scientist at a university in California (加州某大学信号处理科学家), NIW approved
---- Professor at a university in Beijing, China (北京某大学教授), EB1A approved
I didn't make up my mind to apply for NIW until I met attorney Wang on LinkedIn. I was impressed by her professional team and highly-rated services. After the free evaluation for my NIW through email, we started to prepare the documents and recommendation letters. The preparation process didn't take me much effort and I was fully satisfied with the timely and professional help from Elva. All I need to do was to send the recommendation letters prepared by Wang's team exclusively to the references for signature. The prepared recommendation letters were more than professional and I was surprised by the details of my academic research inside. More importantly, my NIW I-140 case was approved only four months after filing the application. I really appreciate the hard work of attorney Wang and want to share the success story with all of you. Elva is definitely the right person you can trust if you want to apply for immigration!
---- Seismic imaging scientist at an oil and gas company in Houston, NIW approved
Highly recommend! I was looking for a professional and responsible immigration lawyer after I graduated, hoping he/she can find some highlights in my below-average academic achievements for NIW. My friend recommended Elva to me, and the whole process went much smoother than I thought. Elva and her team are very professional, definitely beyond my expectation. I am impressed by her flawless work and the attention to details. I was so fortunate that Elva handled my case. I feel obligated to share my success story. Hope this review can help you.
---- Geoscientist at a mining company in China, NIW approved
2020年9月我萌生了职业移民美国的想法,于是在Google上开始查找可以办理职业移民业务的律师事务所。在对比了几个事务所后,我发现王律师的事务所网站很专业,细节做得很好,在网站上看到王律师本人也很优秀,团队都是博士,实力很强。而且,经过微信信息、语音通话以及多封邮件交流后,我发现王律师非常耐心、专业、细致、高效。于是,我最终选择了王律师帮忙办理。和王律师认真商讨后,我于2020年9月26日正式开始着手申办NIW。在材料准备过程中,我有很多不懂的地方,王律师都非常及时且耐心地解释,并给予相应的建议。在她身上,将认真、负责、耐心、细致、严谨、高效、专业、实事求是,体现得淋漓尽致。由于王律师团队有我所学专业的博士成员,完全可以理解我的研究内容,所以我只提供了论文PDF,并未提供研究总结。王律师也积极帮助甄选推荐人,并且在我联系推荐人遇到困难时,帮我想办法解决。尽管我在找推荐人时花了很多时间,但结果是令人满意的。王律师团队依据推荐人和我本人情况高度订制了五封推荐信,堪称完美!我的case在2021年2月提交,在2021年11月29日成功获批 (无补件)。王律师事务所价格透明,绝无乱收费的情况。强烈推荐国内的朋友们找王律师做NIW。再次感谢王律师的辛苦付出,祝她的事业蒸蒸日上!越来越好!
---- Professor of agriculture at a university in China (中国某大学农学教授), NIW approved
我在2020年4月份认识王律师并咨询绿卡申请事宜. 经过免费评估后, 她非常有信心地推荐我申请NIW. 王律师专业细心, 邮件回复及时且内容清晰明了, 人也很nice, 会耐心解答你的疑问. 更为重要的是, 王律师的律所撰写的推荐信和申请文书非常专业, 需要客户自己参与和修改的量很少, 非常省心. 由于我当时临近PhD毕业, 所以她推荐我拿到毕业证明后再提交申请. 我的申请在拿到毕业证明后的2020年12月份提交, 最终在2021年11月顺利获批(没有RFE). 期间还有一个小插曲:在提交申请3个多月后, 我们还没有收到移民局寄来的收据. 王律师主动帮我联系询问, 了解到case竟然被移民局丢失后, 她一方面安慰我不用着急, 另一方面积极与移民局工作人员沟通. 期间每封邮件她都会抄送给我,让我了解进展, 最终顺利找回了case. 这件事让我更加感受到了王律师的专业和可靠. 我已经将她推荐给了身边好几位想要申请绿卡的朋友. 再次感谢, 希望王律师的律所越办越好, 让更多人得到专业的帮助!
---- Computational Biologist at a company in Massachusetts (麻萨诸塞州某计算生物科学家), NIW approved
I would strongly recommend Elva if you prepare to file your NIW application. I got to know Elva in July 2020, and shortly after the initial evaluation, Elva reacted promptly in preparing the documents needed to file my case. Since I do not have many industry experiences, Elva spent considerable time digging into the business value of my research topic to prove my exceptional contributions. Also, Elva has a high standard for every single document she prepared. She would carefully review the recommendation and petition letters several times to ensure every sentence takes effect. In my case, we have over a hundred emails back and forth to improve these supporting documents. With Elva’s extraordinary professionalism, my case was submitted in early December 2020 and approved without further request for evidence in October 2021. I really appreciate all the efforts Elva put into my case, and she is definitely the right attorney you can reckon on!
---- Research Assistant at a university in Texas, NIW approved
我在2019年暑期认识王律师并咨询NIW申请的事宜。尽管我当时各方面申请指标都很有限,王律师还是根据丰富的经验做出了合理的评估,认为值得一试,并建议我尽快申请NIW。在准备申请期间,因为个人原因,我耗费了很多时间寻找合适的推荐人,王律师还多次热心催促我加快进度。在王律师的帮助下,申请材料准备流程非常清晰,每每有疑问,王律师也总能在第一时间答复。王律师帮助我准备了5封详实的推荐信和申请文书,所有的材料准备都会在承诺的时间内完成。我于2020年3月提交了NIW申请。由于疫情原因,移民局处理case变慢。我在2021年8月最终收到case被批准的消息 (没有RFE)。等候结果期间,我略感焦虑,与王律师联系时,王律师也会快速回复。整个case真的非常省心!我感受到王律师的专业和可靠,每每周围有朋友想申请eb1/eb2,我都会推荐她。希望王律师的律所越办越好!
---- Geophysicist at a university in California (加州某大学地球物理科学家), NIW approved
我的NIW于2021年四月份获批,寄件时间是2020年六月,大概10个月的时间, 没有补件,很顺利。特别感谢Elva各方面的帮助,包括初期的case评估,期间材料的准备 (尤其是五封推荐信),以及最后所有材料的提交。每个环节,Elva都会在最短的时间提供最专业的指导。每封邮件,都会在24小时内回复,甚至时常在周末或者周中的晚上,也会回复邮件,推进case的进度。我已经推荐给身边朋友这位专业又敬业的律师。目前Elva也在帮我准备EB1B的申请。除了EB1B以及NIW相关的问题,Elva也非常无私地提供了其他方面的解答,在此特别感谢。一位好的律师,可以帮助我们解决在美国的很多问题,不仅仅是身份。期待有更多的人得到Elva及时的帮助。也期待着Elva的律所越来越好!
---- Electrical engineer at a company in Texas (德州某公司电气工程师), NIW approved
在朋友的推荐下,我请王律师帮我申请绿卡。经过和王律师的交流,依据她在此方面丰富且专业的经验,她建议我先申请NIW去获取一个比较靠前的Priority date。在王律师的帮助下,我们很顺利地提交了NIW的申请。之后,由于EB1A的排期比NIW的排期短了许多,我又咨询了王律师关于我申请EB1A的可能性。在王律师的鼓励和专业帮助下,我们准备试一试EB1A。王律师针对EB1A的要求,帮我修改了之前申请NIW的材料和推荐信,两个月后提交了申请。由于我个人材料的原因,收到了EB1A的RFE。在王律师的帮助下,我们又补交了材料,最后顺利收到了EB1A approval notice。在整个申请过程中,王律师的责任心和专业经验,让容易担忧的我感到十分地放心和省心。王律师总会十分及时地解决和回答我的疑惑,并且设身处地替我着想。我由衷地感谢王律师的帮助,我将不留余地地推荐王律师给申请NIW和EB1A的朋友们!
---- Geophysicist at a university in Texas (德州某高校地球物理科学家), EB1A approved
19年底的时候我想办理NIW,通过朋友介绍认识了王律师。经过和王律师的简单沟通之后,我感觉到了王律师的专业素养以及她对于NIW申请流程细节的把握,于是我很快决定通过王律师办理我的申请。在我的申请过程中,我觉得有几点让我印象深刻:1. 王律师根据我提交的材料,为我高度定制了一份属于我的申请材料,使得我在背景条件有限的情况下顺利地通过了申请。她在文书中的表述十分清晰专业。我的推荐人也对为他们起草的推荐信表示了肯定,这为我的申请过程节约了很多时间。2. 因为我自己的原因,申请的过程中我拖延了一段时间。王律师很耐心地提醒了我申请的流程,并且在我重新找到一位推荐人的时候,马上起草了一份新的推荐信,很大程度上加快了我的申请进度。3. 后来我因为要换工作,对于NIW的申请以及工作签证有很多的疑问,都得到了王律师及时且专业的答复,在此非常感谢。后来有其他朋友要申请NIW的时候,我都会向他们推荐王律师,希望她的耐心和专业能帮助更多的人完成移民申请。
---- Scientist in materials science at a company in California (加州某公司材料科学家), NIW approved
I knew attorney Wang (Elva) through a friend‘s recommendation. In the process of handling my case, Elva was very patient and responsible, and demonstrated the professionalism as a lawyer. At every step, Elva communicated with me in advance and helped me to prepare the required materials in order. The whole application process is very smooth.
---- Scientist at a university in Michigan, NIW approved
I really appreciate all the hard work Elva has done to prepare my NIW application. She managed to prepare and submit my application in a short time. The supporting documents are completely customized to highlight my own strength and accomplishment. She is willing to go extra miles to study my research topic and search other evidence for accomplishments to build a strong case for me. The application is approved without further request for evidence, which is completely beyond my expectation, as the approval criteria are becoming more restricted. Elva is exceedingly professional, always readily available to requests and would address my concerns in a way that people without legal background could understand. Her knowledge, strong sense of customer services, diligence and enthusiasm has made my experience working with Elva exceptionally satisfying. I would highly recommend everyone to consider Elva because she always put her customer’s best interest first.
---- Engineer at an oil and gas company in Houston, NIW approved
---- Scientist at a university in Missouri (密苏里某高校科学家), NIW approved
2019年8月我委托王律师办理NIW申请。我在2020年1月找齐了5位推荐人。王律师准备的推荐信和petition letter都是根据我的背景高度定制的,非常专业且高效。我的NIW I-140申请材料于2020年3月底寄出,最终在2020年12月顺利获批 (没有RFE)。王律师值得信赖!
---- Scientist in a pharmaceutical company (美国某制药公司科学家), NIW approved
---- Biologist at a university in New York (纽约某高校生物科学家), NIW approved
我的NIW I-140在2020年顺利获批,无补件 (无RFE)。难以言表地由衷感谢王律师。从推荐信到petition letter,全部由她来准备,非常专业,非常及时。虽然我本人有留学背景,但是也有3年housewife的空档期,以及其它的软肋。王律师准确地找到并突出了我的闪亮点,弥补了软肋,全套文书近乎完美。当我在寻找推荐人的环节沮丧时,王律师会给我信心支持。王律师几乎是24/7,沟通顺畅,值得信赖。做NIW,选她就对了!
---- Doctor in a hospital in China (中国某医院医生), NIW approved
I appreciate Elva for helping me with my NIW application. I'm deeply impressed by her professionalism and efficiency. While in my case I only provided my resume and research articles, the application materials prepared by Elva comprehensively emphasized my research highlights. Furthermore, Elva's timely response and feedback ensured that my application could be submitted promptly. Especially under such challenging immigration circumstances as this year, it is so great that my case has been approved successfully and smoothly. It once again confirms the professional and efficient preparation of my case by Elva.
---- Technologist at an oil field service company in Houston, NIW approved
---- Scientist at an oil field service company in Houston (休斯顿某油服公司科学家), NIW approved
我非常庆幸找了王律师帮我准备NIW申请。Elva (王律师) 非常有经验,准备材料也非常高效。与其他律师不同的是,从推荐信到petition letter,都由Elva操办,我只提供了所发表的文章和推荐人介绍。Elva精准地总结并描述了我的研究,发掘强调了我case的亮点,让我十分佩服。Elva也非常细心耐心与热心,不管我有任何相关或者非相关的移民问题,她都会不厌其烦地帮我解答,尽心尽职,所以我十分推荐王律师。
---- Scientist at an oil and gas company in Houston (休斯顿某石油公司科学家), NIW approved
王律师:非常感谢你在我申请NIW过程中为我撰写的所有材料,以及给予我的全部帮助。你专业、审慎、高效,在阅读了我的简历和科研材料以后,架构了逻辑清晰、重点突出、语言流畅的 reference letters 和 petition letter,使我的 I-140 顺利获批。另外,在我们多次交流的过程中,我感觉你是一位负责、真诚、值得信赖的人。我非常荣幸能认识你,并和你合作。再次感谢。
---- Scientist at a disease control & prevention center (某疾病预防控制中心科学家), NIW approved
Elva was diligent and communicative, and answered every single one of my question with courtesy. I was also impressed with her composure and patience throughout the process. She really made the grueling process of acquiring U.S. permanent residence through National Interest Waiver bearable. She was always ready and attentive to my case as if it was the only one on her desk. I would highly recommend anyone going through U.S. immigration petition to have her in your corner!
---- Postdoctoral Researcher at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, NIW approved
---- Engineer at General Electric (美国通用电气公司工程师), EB1A approved
---- Expert in agriculture, Professor, and Ph.D. Supervisor of a research institute (某研究所农学专家, 教授, 博士生导师), EB1A approved
衷心感谢你帮我写所有reference letter, petition letter and response letter, 让我得以顺利通过I-140。我觉得自己非常幸运能跟你这样一位优秀的律师合作。整个申请过程中,你非常的专业,高效,仔细,耐心,并且很用心。从读到你写的第一封推荐信就感到十分惊艳,之后的每一封信都各有侧重,浑然天成,并且你真的读了我的文章。这让我十分佩服一个专业律师的职业素养。而且你帮我挖掘到不少连我自己也不曾知道的亮点,大大提升了petition letter的水平。整个交流过程也让我感到十分的舒心和放心。你适时的提醒和建议也让申请保持高效,并且在正确轨道。我一定会推荐你给其他要申请绿卡的朋友的。
---- Research Scientist at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (德州大学安德森癌症中心科学家), EB1A approved
Elva: 你很专业细致,文书有信服力,并且能够及时、准确和友好的沟通。这对于异地合作伙伴是尤为重要的事,所有的信任都基于沟通。对于推荐信,你真的是非常用心的去做了尽调,而且关注到不同的推荐人和我建立的不同阶段和不同性质的关系,文笔符合各自的身份,又具备真实而诚信的读后感。我是媒体出身,深知对一个陌生人要写出这样的推荐信有多难,你真的够聪明和优秀!否则很难理解到这个深度!非常感谢您!
---- Executive President of a film school, former CXO of a renowned company (某电影学院执行院长, 某知名公司前CXO), EB1A approved
---- Scientist at the Fourth Military Medical University (第四军医大学科学家), EB1A approved